Behind the Inspections: A Conversation with Shawn Barber

Each team at Petro Guardian has worked hard to maintain our standing as an industry leader in lightning and surge protection for oil and gas companies. Over my time here at PG, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting the standout individuals who not only make up that very team and truly make a difference. One […]
Getting to Know Don: A Candid Conversation

Every employee is very different in their own respect here at Petro Guardian. However, two things remain consistent, they all enjoy what they do, and they take great pride in their work. So much so, that I would describe Don Barcelona’s work ethic as an art form. Don is the senior account manager for Petro […]
You have lightning protection, but are your assets safe?

Forty percent of sites are compromised within the first year of installation. This can be due to weather corrosion, repairs, replacements, or maintenance, and a site that’s compromised cannot fully mitigate risks associated with lightning or static discharge. Once your lightning protection is installed, it is critical to have the site inspected periodically – we […]
Why Chem Tank Protection is Critical

It’s the middle of May and storm season is upon us. We’ve seen a number of tank battery fires this summer, but we’ve also seen a rise in chemical tank fires. It’s important not to overlook chem tank protection when reviewing site quotes, as the environment in and around the tanks is highly flammable and […]
A Discussion About Catenary with Bear Grissom

Bear Grissom is the Director of the Electrical Division for Petro Guardian. He has been in the industry for over 20 years and is our expert on all things construction and electric. We recently added catenary lightning protection to our scope of services so we sat down with Bear to answer a few of our most […]
Highlights from the 2021 Lightning Report

Each year, Vaisala, the global leader in weather and industrial measurements, releases a report that provides a comprehensive overview of lightning strikes detected across the United States and around the rest of the world. Below are three highlights that oil and gas companies and employees should consider when moving into the 2022 lightning season. Lightning […]
Petro Guardian Welcomes Alex Salazar to the Team

Petro Guardian is happy to announce and welcome Alex Salazar as the Petro Guardian team’s safety manager. Alex is a native of West Texas and was born and raised in the Permian Basin. He attended Permian High School and played outside linebacker for the series, “Friday Night Lights.” West Texans take Friday Night football very seriously. He […]
Wintertime Static Electricity and the Risks at Production Sites

Have you ever noticed that in the winter your hair is just a little frizzier when you brush it, your clothes are a little clingier and that everytime you touch a doorknob you get a little zap? These are common wintertime nuisances caused by static electricity. But what causes static electricity and why does it […]
Petro Guardian Welcomes Javier Mesa to the Team

Petro Guardian is proud to announce and welcome Javier Mesa as the team’s new account manager. In this role, Javier will be responsible for the growth and development of new business while maintaining key customer relationships. Javier brings nearly 20 years of sales and oil field experience to the position. Prior to joining Petro Guardian, Javier […]
Storm Season 2021

Storm season is coming, and that means so are the tank battery fires! Last year, hundreds of tanks were destroyed by lightning – so many that 45 losses even gained media coverage. And this doesn’t include sites damaged by static or electrical surges. According to the 2020 Lightning Report, Texas was the number one state with the […]